Leadership Retreat November 2023

Take time for a bird’s eye view. Photo by Silviu S on Unsplash

Building20 is offering a one-day in-person development space to re-focus and re-energise leaders in the public and voluntary sectors.

A safe and creative space to connect with peers and reflect on your own leadership practice.

Practical, discussion-based exercises to encourage and challenge each other to lead more ‘human’ workplaces and services.

The retreat is taking place in Darlington on Tuesday 7th November. We have kept the cost as low as possible to make it easy for you to take this time of reflection and connection while enjoying a comfortable venue. The cost to attend is £125 per person including refreshments. Register here before 8th October.

This event is for you, if

  • You want to take time out to reflect on the current leadership practice in your team or organisation.
  • You’re a ‘pragmatic optimist’, hopeful of the good your organisation can do but honest about the challenges facing public services today.
  • You’re willing to share your experience and expertise with others and are also open to learning from them.

Booking closes October 8th 2023

Date: Tuesday 7th November 2023 10am – 5pm

Venue: St Cuthbert’s Hall, Darlington Darlington train station is a short walk and some parking is available in the churchyard for attendees.

Cost: £125pp includes lunch and refreshments.

Message from Amanda, event facilitator:

“Thanks for your interest in our Leadership Retreat. I’m really looking forward to working with you. I’ve worked across the NHS, from policy to leadership development, so I know firsthand how difficult it can be sometimes when you feel pulled in conflicting directions. Perhaps you’ve attended training days in the past simply to get some time-out for reflection and maybe a chance to discuss with likeminded peers. This retreat intends to serve just that need for reflection and connection. No powerpoint presentations or leadership models. Come along ready to think creatively, participate fully and be open to trying different ways of listening and sharing.”